If you’ve been looking into solar installation, you’ve probably come across the term ‘HIES accredited’. But what does it mean and how do solar installation firms become accredited? HIES stands for Home Installation and Energy Systems and the HIES accreditation scheme is a consumer protection organisation with a Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) Approved Consumer Code. HIES is here to protect you as a buyer and give you confidence that the firm installing your solar panels have been independently approved.
To gain HIES accreditation, solar installation companies must:
• Be well established and demonstrate financial stability
• Pass a comprehensive credit and background check
• Provide evidence of an approved consumer contract
• Provide a guarantee/workmanship warranty
• Provide employer’s liability and public liability insurance certificate
If approved, installers are required to abide by HIES standards and the Code of Practice.
Installers must register all domestic contracts signed during their period of HIES membership, where the product installed is on the HIES approved product list.
HIES carries out continuous vetting while membership is active and annual audits.
At Sesas UK we’re proud to be approved by HIES. For solar installation, Kent, get in touch for reliable, accredited installation work.