Tuesday, September 15, 2020

What is a solar power inverter?

A solar power inverter is a large component within the solar panel system which converts the direct current (DC) produced by your solar panels into ready-to-use alternating current (AC) to power your home. They typically have a conversion efficiency of between 93% - 96%, although some newer models have a rating of 97% - 99%.

The solar power inverter should be maintained regularly and properly looked after, will have a lifespan of between 5-10 years. When the time comes to replace it, you should consult a professional installer as the inverter is one of the most expensive components of the solar installation and installing it yourself can be costly if you make mistakes.

At Sesas UK we supply, install and repair solar panels and inverters across Sussex and Kent. If you think your inverter may need replacing, get in touch and we’ll discuss the most affordable option for you to get your solar panel system working to its maximum once again.